Egypt’s Al-Azhar University has fired some 300 students for being associated to the ISIL terrorist group.

Egypt’s Al-Azhar University has fired some 300 students for being associated to the ISIL terrorist group.

The decision was made following reports about these students’ suspected ties with the Takfiri terrorists.

It had been reported earlier that ISIL seeks to recruit foreign students studying at Al-Azhar.

Egypt’s security forces have recently arrested two of Al-Azhar’s Tajik students, accusing them of trying to join ISIL.

Al-Azhar officials have ordered the university’s branches all over Egypt to have foreign students under close watch.

The ISIL terrorist group, which is mainly operating in Iraq and Syria, has in recent months spread its acts of terror to a number of North African countries, including Egypt.

In July, militants affiliated with ISIL claimed responsibility for a deadly roadside bombing in Egypt’s volatile Sinai Peninsula.


Muslim Women in Hijab More Likely to be Attacked in UK

Muslim women, especially those wearing ‘hijabs’ or headscarves, were far more likely to fall victim to hate crimes amid alarming rise in Islamophobic attacks, according to monitoring groups.

“We realised that at a street-level Muslim women who were visible, and wore the Hijab or the headscarf, were suffering more targeted abuse,” said Fiyaz Mughal, director of UK-based Tell Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA), that monitors Islamophobic attacks.

“We also realised quite early on that women who wear Niqab, the face veil, suffered more aggressive incidents — there was something about the face veil that in a way brought out the worst in the perpetrator,” he added.

Attacks on Muslim women may range from verbal abuse to violent assaults, including assailants tearing off ‘niqabs’ or veils, or threatening to burn them with lighter fluid.

As many as 60 per cent of Islamophobia victims were women, the organisation claimed.

The news comes after a shocking video surfaced of an unprovoked violent attack on a hijab-wearing UK teenager, in which the victim was seen being punched in broad daylight while walking down the street.

This also comes as latest Scotland Yard figures show that Islamophobic crimes against Muslims in London have gone up by 70 per cent over the past year.

Reported incidents ranged from cyber-bullying and assaults to extreme violence.

Mughal pointed to the beheadings by ISIS in Iraq and Syria as well as the refugee crisis in Europe as being linked to the rise in Islamophobic attacks.

“Women suffer more incidents, and more aggressive incidents of hate,” he told Al Arabiya News.

One reason behind this is the visibility of those women who chose to cover their heads and faces, Mughal said. For those perpetrating the attacks, face coverings “visualise ‘the other’ very clearly,” he said.

But while women are more likely to attract the “hate and the venom” of racist attackers, they are far less likely to come forward and report incidents, said Mussurut Zia, general secretary of the Muslim Women’s Network UK.

She said there are an increasing number of such hate crimes happening across the country – not just in London.

“I know of people who have had their hijabs pulled, who have been kicked, who have had their niqabs (veils) pulled off, people who have been assaulted, pushed and shoved and threatened with lighter fluid,” she said.

The Metropolitan Police define ‘Islamophobic’ crime as any offence intended to affect those known or perceived to be Muslim.


Hezbollah Denounces Savage Attack on Al-Aqsa, Calls for Solidarity Campaign

Hezbollah denounced on Monday the savage attack on al-Aqsa Mosque, calling for a wide campaign of solidarity to defend the holy Mosque.

In a statement issued by the party’s Media Relations, Hezbollah said: “The escalating attacks (against al-Aqsa) obviously show the seriousness of the conspiracy which aims at dividing and then destroying the holy mosque.”

Meanwhile, the resistance movement condemned the Arab silence over the attack, warning that this silence is considered as “an acceptance of the Zionist scheme, if it was not a flagrant collusion with this scheme.”

The attack on al-Aqsa comes at a time the international organizations are turning a blind eye on this expected crime which poses real threat against the holy mosque, the statement added.

“Hezbollah calls for a wide Arab and Islamic campaign in solidarity with the holy al-Aqsa Mosque and those who are defending it,” the statement added.

Earlier on Sunday, Israeli Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel, backed with dozens of Zionist settlers and other dozens of Israeli occupation forces, stormed the holy mosque shortly after dawn to celebrate the so-called “Jewish New Year”.

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) forced the Palestinian worshippers to get out of the holy compound, as they destroyed the windows of al-Qibli Mosque.

Dozens were injured when IOF fired rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades on peaceful worshippers.


Former Malaysian PM tells Sunnis to accept Shias as Muslims; Jews and Americans rejoice when Muslims kill one another

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has pleaded with the Sunni majority in Malaysia to accept the Shias as fellow Muslims and thereby avoid the deadly sectarian strife that has torn apart some communities in the Middle East.

In a speech last night at a forum organised by Isma, Mahathir reminded his audience of the Islamic belief that a person becomes a Muslim as soon as he testifies that God is one and Muhammad was his human messenger. Both Sunnis and Shias make the same two testimonies, he pointed out.

He noted that Malays had enjoyed freedom from sectarian strife for a long time because they were nearly all Sunnis subscribing to the Shafie school of jurisprudence. But he said the situation in the country had changed somewhat in recent years with the presence of expatriates from Shia-majority countries.

He acknowledged that there was still peace among Muslims in the country, at least compared to the situation in parts of the Middle East, and he urged for the perpetuation of that peace through tolerance of different views.

Referring to Shias, he said, “We have no right to say they are not Muslims just because they don’t look like us or don’t dress like us.”

Speaking of the warring between Shias and Sunnis in other parts of the Muslim world, he said they were practically fulfilling the objectives of the Jews and Americans.

“The Jews and the Americans are the ones who are laughing,” he said. “The Muslims are doing their work for them. This is what happens when we emphasis our differences instead of our similarities.”


Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism, and Their Gift to Yale

Omer Aziz; a writer and J.D. candidate at Yale Law School

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – The first thing you need to know about Saudi Arabia is that it is not a country but a financial and religious empire with a million poisonous tentacles stretching across both the West and the Muslim world. Its wealth is built upon the dirty oil under its sands, its legitimacy crafted upon an even dirtier political deal with a totalitarian religious cult known as Wahhabism.

The Saudi Royal Family treats the country as its private property. When the House of Saud conquered the territory known as Arabia, they named the country after themselves, hence the Saudi before the Arabia. It is more of a corporation than anything else, except The Family controls Islam’s holiest cities and profits handsomely off them.

Saudi Arabia should have made more news last week than it did. For starters, it was the anniversary of 9/11, and Saudi Arabia played at least an indirect role in Al Qaeda’s attacks on Washington and New York. More on that in a minute. But a Saudi billionaire also donated $10 million to Yale University and Yale Law School to establish a Center of Islamic Law and Civilization. The official announcement marked this as a great triumph. The establishment of such a center would have indeed been a victory worth celebrating had the money not originated from such a dubious source.

The Saudi billionaire-donor is named Abdullah Kamel. He is the CEO of the Dallah Albaraka Group, a Saudi conglomerate. Dallah Albaraka Group was a named defendant in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims. Many of these suits were eventually dismissed on jurisdictional grounds, but a suit against Dallah Avco, a subsidiary of Dallah Albaraka Group, is currently in the discovery stage. Dallah Avco is an aviation company with ties to the Saudi Air Force — the same air force dropping bombs on Yemenis this very second, mutilating and killing thousands of them. Dallah Avco employed a man named Omar al-Bayoumi, a Saudi citizen who held a do-nothing job with the company while he was befriending and helping two of the 9/11 hijackers.

The Dallah AlBaraka Group and Abdullah Kamel undoubtedly operate with the blessings of the Saudi Royal Family, whose role in the 9/11 attacks is finally starting to be exposed. Earlier this year, the “20th hijacker,” Zacarious Moussaoui, directly accused the Saudi Royal Family of knowing about the 9/11 attacks in advance and funding al Qaeda’s plot. The Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 redacted 28 crucial pages dealing with alleged Saudi involvement in the planning and execution of the attacks. Bob Graham, former senator and ex-chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has said in sworn statements that the Saudi government assisted the 9/11 terrorists.

Occam’s Razor directs the proponents of any theory to eliminate unnecessary assumptions. In the case of 9/11, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. They came from a country run by absolute monarchs, where information is tightly controlled, where a company known as the Saudi Bin Laden Group is the largest construction conglomerate. Trace the money back to its roots, and you quickly find that this “gift” tarnishes Yale beyond measure.

But the Saudi-Yale deal is about more than Yale or 9/11, much more. It is about elite institutions constantly prostrating at the feet of the Saudi Royal Family. The Family has given Harvard and Georgetown $40 million. They have funded research at leading scientific institutions to maximize Saudi oil output. They have donated to leading foundations, including the Clinton Foundation. They have paid for fundamentalist imams in American prisons. From California to India, they have erected a mammoth infrastructure of Wahhabist madrassas which indoctrinate impressionable young men to the virtues of their cause.

In this last charge alone, the Saudi Royal Family’s dollars are drenched in blood. The House of Saud came to power in the 1700s by making a deal with a fanatical preacher named Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who taught that Islam had to be stripped down to its puritan essence. All later adaptations were eliminated because they were seen as sinful. A Muslim had to adhere to the Wahhabists’ literal interpretation of scripture or risk being deemed an apostate, and thus, liable to be murdered. Visits to the shrines of saints were criminalized as idolatrous. The Shia, the Sufis, the Ahmadis–all Muslim minorities–were thought to have deviated from the One True Path and so they, too, could be killed. Because Wahhab and his gang claimed to be defending Islam, their violence was legitimated as jihad. Homosexuals and blasphemers were to be put to death. Adulterers were to be stoned. Thieves were to have their hands amputated.

In the Saudi-Wahhab deal, Wahhab pledged to “support the ruler, supplying him with glory and power” if Ibn Saud made Wahhabist doctrine his official dogma. In the early 1800s, the Saudis took over Makkah and destroyed the monuments built to the Prophet Muhammad’s family. The Prophet’s tomb itself was just barely saved. They destroyed the cemetery where members of the Prophet’s family were buried. They ransacked the holy Shia city of Karbala in Iraq, mass-murdered women and children, and pillaged the tomb of Husain, the Prophet’s nephew and the spiritual leader of the world’s Shia.

In more modern times, the Saudis have spent upwards of $100 billion building madrassas around the world. In Pakistan, once a relatively liberal country, the number of Saudi-funded fundamentalist madrassas went from 900 to 32,000 in over a decade. These madrassas did not produce engineers and doctors but religious fanatics. Some of the students in these madrassas became leaders of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Simply put: You do not get today’s Sunni-Shia war without the Saudi Royal Family exporting Wahhabism, an ideology with conflict and plunder inherent in its core.

The legacy of Saud and Wahhab continues, though now with a Las Vegas bent. Makkah–Islam’s holiest city and the destination of the Hajj pilgrimage which attracts over 3 million Muslims annually–is surrounded by cranes and construction facilities building hotels and luxury shopping centers that loom over Islam’s holiest sites. In recent years, the house of Khadijah, the Prophet’s wife, was destroyed to build toilets. The house of Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s companion, was razed to build a Hilton hotel. Over 98% of Arabia’s religious heritage sites, and thus Islamic history, have been destroyed. If all of this sounds eerily like ISIS it is because ISIS and Saudi Arabia share the exact same ideology. The Saudis just happen to be our friends.

The man who gave Yale that $10 million check hails from the most totalitarian country on earth, second perhaps only to North Korea. Enforced as official dogma in the Kingdom are the two most fundamental and ancient forms of totalitarianism: Man’s control over the bodies of women and his control over the thoughts of all citizens. Women live under a segregationist, sexist, apartheid state. The thought-murdering ideology of Wahhabism criminalizes dissent before it can even germinate in individual consciences. The law is not supreme; the House of Saud is. The purpose of the law is not to serve and protect but to preserve the Family and destroy the minds and bodies of its enemies, beginning with the Shia.

The study of Islamic civilization is desperately needed in the West. The writings of ancient Greek philosophers were translated and preserved by Muslim philosophers and scientists in the great libraries of Baghdad. Our numerical system is owed to Persian and Arab mathematicians. Much of our current understanding in physics, calculus, philosophy, political economy, medicine, indeed, the scientific method itself, is owed at least in part to Islam’s golden age. Try and get to the Renaissance and Enlightenment without Islam’s discoveries and you will find yourself stuck in the Dark Ages. Islamic civilization was open, tolerant, diverse. Wahhabism and the Saudi Royal Family inverted all of that, built a sectarian empire, and with their oil money, bought off those who could be bought, and imposed themselves on everyone else.

The Yale gift makes a mockery of this rich history. Saudi money should not be funding any more programs in the United States or elsewhere because the money is stained with both blood and oil. It was extracted from the ground, but the extractors got to where they are by stomping upon the bones of their fellow Muslims. Let justice be done, though the heavens fall, goes the ancient quote, but justice will never be done if this organized crime family continued to buy our loyalty. Mr. Kamel’s check should be returned to him and his Saudi patrons with clear instructions that they spend the money making amends for The Family’s many crimes against humanity, their genocide of Islamic civilization.


Over 75 killed in new Saudi aggression on Yemen / Photos

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Saudi regime’s ongoing airstrikes against the Yemeni people between Friday and Saturday have claimed the lives of at least 76 people, injuring around 130 others across Yemen.

Saudi jets pummeled the Yemeni capital Sana’a over Friday and Saturday, killing 35 people and injuring more than 120 others. Yemen’s Saba Net news agency said the number of the victims could rise due to the intensity of the attacks, P.TV reported.

The aircraft targeted the Yemeni Interior Ministry building, public services facilities and residential buildings in the city.

Al-Manar correspondent in Yemen said the preliminary toll from the Saudi aggression on homes in Old Sanaa was six women and four children.

Striking the Sirwah district in the Ma’rib province in west-central Yemen, Saudi planes killed four civilians and left a number of people wounded.

The kingdom’s warplanes attacked the Al Bayda province in southern Yemen, slaying a child and wounding two of the victim’s family members.

As many as 21 people were killed and two others wounded after the planes attacked a village in the northwestern Yemeni province of Sa’ada. Saudi attacks also claimed the lives of 15 people and injured five others, targeting the province’s Bagim district.

On March 26, Saudi Arabia began its aggression against Yemen – without a UN mandate – in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the country’s fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

The conflict has so far left about 5,200 people dead and thousands of others wounded, the UN says. Local Yemeni sources, however, say the fatality figure is much higher.

The Yemeni al-Masirah TV network, meanwhile, reported that Yemen’s Army and popular committees had struck two Saudi military vehicles in Jizan, killing six Saudi military personnel and injuring a number of others.


Zionist plots aim at keeping Muslims negligent of Israel

Ayatollah Arafi said that the Zionist entity should know that the Islamic ummah is aware of all their plots against Muslims. These plots attempt to turn the Islamic world away from civilization and keep them negligent of Israel.

During his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom, Ayatollah Ali-Reza Arafi referred to the Zionist aggression against Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque over the last week, saying the Zionist usurper has violated the sanctities of Islam and the al-Aqsa Mosque, and said the offensive onslaught and continuous violence by this “false” regime has brought “pain to the hearts of all Muslims.”

His Eminence explained that the Takfiri phenomenon was created to isolate the Islamic Resistance and the Islamic Revolution and said that despite all the conspiracies of the Zionist leaders against the Iranian nation, the Islamic nation is alert and enlightened and added that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has said that Iran will support the Islamic Resistance in any conditions and will stand against the enemies of Islam.

“It is for this reason that our nation’s slogan of ‘Death to Israel’ is still heard,” he said.

Ayatollah Arafi said that the Zionist entity should know that the Islamic ummah is aware of all their plots against Muslims. With these plots, the Zionists seek to turn the Islamic world away from civilization and keep them negligent of the crimes Israel is committing in Palestine.

“Israel launched the Takfiri phenomenon to keep Muslims busy so they cannot fight against them,” he said.

The president of al-Mustafa International University on the occasion of the upcoming Holy Defense Week in Iran honoured the memory of the martyrs of the eight-year long Iran-Iraq War and added that the war was disproportionate in all aspects – arms, logistical and propaganda wise.

He noted that this “imposed war” was a reminder of the tragedy of Ashura and Imam Husayn’s disproportionate war against Yazid.

He explained that the Iran-Iraq War was one of the longest wars in the 20th century and its battlefield was also one of the largest, and added that during the “War of Sacred Defence” the most dangerous and the most advanced weapons were used, including chemical weapons.

“Those who threaten Iran with ‘all options on the table’ today must know that the Iranian nation came out of this war with honour,” he said.

Qom’s Friday prayers’ leader said that the same people who make false claims today, helped the Iran’s enemies during this war against the Islamic Revolution, which had national, revolutionary, Islamic and international dimensions. He added that the Iranian people, especially the youth, must believe in themselves and not forget the honour and sacrifices made during the Sacred Defence.

Ayatollah Arafi stated that the unique leadership of Imam Khomeini and the unparalleled role of the Iranian youth in the war led to the victory of the cause of the Islamic Republic and added that the enemies were not able to achieve any of their goals to bring about Iran’s collapse and division despite the immense devastation the war brought to Iran.

He said that after the war, the Islamic Revolution was able to achieve its goals and put Iran on the path toward growth and development. The waves of the Islamic Resistance resonated all over the world. This war also showed the weak will of the hypocrites and their defeat was due to the power of Islam and the Islamic Revolution.

Ayatollah Arafi stressed that Iranians shouldn’t fear the threats of the foreign and arrogant powers. The Iranian authorities must take the country forward based on reason, logic and resistance. He added that the rise of the Islamic resistance groups and advances in knowledge, especially in nuclear energy, are among the blessings of the war, which we owe to the martyrs.


A Pakistani Shia commander martyred in terrorists attack on Badaber camp

A Pakistani Shia commander ‘Asfandyar Bukhari’ was martyred during the ongoing operation against terrorists in Badaber camp Peshawar, local media reported.

Captain Asfandyar, who courageously fought with terrorists and embraced martyrdom during the attack on Badhber Airbase, has set a new example of courage, bravery and valiance.

According to ISPR, Capt. Asfandyar was leading his troops from the front during the clearance operation. He stopped terrorists from entering into the base and stood as a barrier in their way.

He embraced martyrdom early in the morning while he was leading his troops during the operation against terrorists.

Captain Asfanyar Bukhari received the ‘Sword of Honor’ and ‘War tactics medal’ in the passing out of 118th long course. He belonged to Jinnah wing and was also the Wing Commander of Jinnah wing’s 48th entry. He had also played as hockey player in Punjab’s under 19 hockey team.


Pope Francis Describes as Drama Humanitarian Crisis in Syria and Iraq

Pope Francis recognized the current crisis in Syria and Iraq as one of the worse humanitarian dramas of the last times, which leaves consequences in nations and culture.

The message from the Pontiff released here on Friday included a call to find a solution to this crisis, “which should never be violent, because violence only creates new wounds, and more violence”.

Francis also criticized the atrocities and the unprecedented violations of human rights that characterize these conflicts, and that are broadcasted by the media in real time.

“No one can pretend not to know them!,” the Supreme Pontiff said. “We all know this war gives an unbearable weight upon poor people’s backs”.

He also referred to the religious persecution that Christians and members of other religious minorities suffer in Syria and Iraq, due to the terrorist bands from the Islamic State (IE) and the Front al-Nusra, among others y said the international community “seems unable to find the right answers”.

“Many brothers and sisters are stalked because of their faith, expelled from their own lands, imprisoned or even murdered”, the religious leader highlighted.

The Pope remembered that for centuries, Christian and Muslim communities coexisted there on the grounds of mutual respect, but today it is wanted to take that right away, “on behalf of a violent fundamentalism that vindicates a religious origin”.

At the same time, the head of the Catholic Church called to pay special attention to the needs both material and spiritual of the weaker and defendless, particularly families, the elderly and the children.


Zionist Warplanes Strike Gaza after Rocket Fire

The Zionist entity carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Saturday after Palestinian resistance fighters fired rockets into the southern occupied territories of Palestine.

The overnight airstrikes targeted two training camps belonging to the Hamas movement, causing no injuries, officials and witnesses said.

Late on Friday, Gaza fighters fired at least two rockets into occupied Palestine. One struck a town, damaging a bus but causing no injuries. A second was shot down by a missile defense system.

A Palestinian group claimed responsibility for one of the rockets fired at the Zionist entity.
