West Using Terrorists against Muslim World: Chechen President

President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov criticized the West for using terrorist groups against the Muslim world.

Enemy’s infiltration big threat to Iran: Supreme Leader

The Leader made the comment in a meeting with commanders and officials of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Wednesday.

“Economic and security infiltration is not as important as intellectual, cultural and political infiltration,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Of course, Ayatollah Khamenei said, different institutions, namely the IRGC, will firmly stand up to security infiltration, urging authorities to remain on the watch for economic infiltration as well.

For cultural infiltration, said the Leader, the enemy seeks to distort and undermine beliefs which underpin society.

In order to achieve political infiltration, Ayatollah Khamenei pinpointed, the enemy tries to sneak into decision-making centers.

“When a country is affected by such political infiltration, the direction in which that country moves will be according to the will of hegemonic powers,” the Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the nation and authorities to remain vigilant in the face of enemy schemes.

“If we are watchful, the enemy will be disappointed.”

He then called for efforts to further reinforce the foundation of the Islamic Revolution and of a revolutionary way of though, saying, “This is the fundamental responsibility of the IRGC’s elite and all revolutionary elite in the country.”


ISIS looting Syria artifacts on industrial scale: UNESCO

Irina Bokova said Wednesday that satellite imagery shows archeological sites across Syria are dotted by hundreds of illegal excavations, proving that the valuable historic sites are being looted on an “industrial scale.”

She said limiting the trafficking of cultural goods is the agency’s top priority since Daesh is using the takings to finance its terrorist activities.

“The world expects from us to undertake decisive and uncompromising actions… to stop this source of funding for the extremists,” Bokova said.

According to estimates provided by the Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology (APSA), the Takfiri terrorists have looted, damaged, or destroyed more than 900 monuments and archeological sites over the past four years of turmoil in the Arab country.

Daesh militants took over the world heritage site of Palmyra back in May and have since blown up several of its famed tower tombs. The terrorists also killed Khaled al-Assad, the 82-year-old retired head of antiquities in Palmyra. Assad’s mutilated body was then hung in public.

UNESCO has called such acts war crimes and says Daesh wants to wipe out evidence of Syria’s diverse heritage.

Bokova said the destruction at Palmyra “is an impudent crime against civilization because it was a symbol of cultural dialogue, a material proof of the ability of cultures to interact… This is what the extremists are seeking to destroy.”

The UN official also urged the European Union to harden its current rules with regards to the import of cultural property, although she said Europe is not the single destination for Syria’s artworks and that they are being trafficked globally.

Bokova said the first important step in preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property would be for various governments around the world to ratify and implement the 1970 UNESCO Convention. Syria has already ratified the convention along with 129 other countries.

She said the world is in dire need of a campaign “to counter the propaganda for cultural cleansing” waged by Daesh.


Americans rally outside Mohamed’s school in Texas

Americans have gathered outside a high school in the state of Texas to attend a public prayer in honor of an African American Muslim student who was suspended and handcuffed for bringing his homemade clock to school.

Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was arrested on Monday after his clock was inexplicably mistaken for a bomb by a teacher at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas.

On Thursday, a large number of people held a demonstration outside Mohamed’s school and expressed solidarity with him over his ordeal.

They demanded an end to all kinds of discrimination against Muslims and the black people in the United States.

Mohamed’s arrest drew strong criticism against the US police’s “discriminatory” approach towards Muslims and African-Americans.

On Wednesday, Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States, invited the teenager to the White House.

“Cool clock, Ahmed,” Obama tweeted about Mohamed. “Want to bring it to the White House?”

“We should inspire more kids like you to like science,” the US president added. “It’s what makes America great.”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg also expressed his support for the teenager. In addition, engineers from Google, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NASA extended invitations to Mohamed to visit their facilities.

Police on Wednesday told Mohamed’s family that they had decided they would not charge the boy with making a hoax bomb.

In an interview with Press TV on Thursday, Dr. Randy Short, a member of the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization, said the arrest of Mohamed shows the Anglo-American racism against Muslims and people of color in the United States.

“It’s very unfortunate but a predictable trend that you have in America, where [they have] demonized the people who are the other — the black other, the Muslim other, or the Latino other,” Dr. Short said.

He added that the people who blow bombs and shoot students in American public schools are mostly white male youth.


Lebanese Sunni scholar: Reopening Israeli embassies in Islamic countries “mistake"; Zionists enemy of all Muslims, whether Sunni

Ahlul Bayt News Agency – Shaikh Ahmad al-Qattan, the head of Lebanon’s Qawluna wal-Amal (We Say and Act) Society, referred to the recent remarks made by Iran’s Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, wherein he stated that Israel “will not exist in 25 years’ time,” and said that Israel is in disarray and is governed by terror and brutality, Rasa reported.

“This regime will be wiped out soon, God willing, and Jesus Christ, along with all the faithful, will pray behind Imam al-Mahdi,” Shaykh al-Qattan said, referring to end time events.

The Lebanese Sunni scholar stressed that there are many reasons and arguments for the certain destruction of Israel in the very near future, and cited a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad which says that “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims fight against the Jews…”

He stated that Iran’s efforts to obtain nuclear energy are for the benefit of Islam and also referred to Iran’s services to Muslims throughout the world, especially to the oppressed Palestinian people, saying that Iran has done so much to help liberate the Palestine from its Zionist occupiers.

Shaykh al-Qattan noted that the Islamic resistance moments, like the Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Palestine and the Islamic resistance represented by Hezbollah in Lebanon, and other Islamic resistance movements whether in Iraq, Syria or Lebanon, seek to destroy Israel and help liberate Palestine.

He referred to the relationships between the Zionist regime and some Islamic countries and noted that the reopening of Israeli embassies in the Muslim world is a wrong move and a mistake because the Zionist regime is an enemy of all Muslims, whether Sunni or Shi’a as well as all free men of the world.

“Israel violates all human rights. This regimes’ heinous acts such as the [recent] murder, bloodshed and arson at the al-Aqsa Mosque have violated this holy and sacred place,” he added.

The head of Lebanon’s Qawluna wal-Amal Society added that the reopening of Israeli embassies in Arab and Islamic countries is a humiliation, a thorn, a weakness, a sign of backwardness and distance from the traditions and true path of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, the Quran and religious teachings.

“We condemn the actions of the Israeli occupying regime and demand the expulsion of Israeli ambassadors from all countries of the world,” he said.

Shaykh al-Qattan added that instead of expressing love and friendship with the Zionist regime, Arab countries should help the Islamic Resistance to destroy Israel.

The Lebanese Sunni scholar stated that the unity, along with piety and combatting the Zionist regime, are obligatory issues for scholars of Islam. He stressed that Sunnis and Shi’a scholars are part of the same body and they must avoid division and discord and fight against the enemies and annihilate Israel.

He pointed to Iran’s role in the fight against the occupying regime of Israel and said the Palestinian issue, due to the fact that the first qiblah of Muslims and the third holy sanctuary of Islam, must be the most important concern of the Muslim world.

“Sunnis are ready to destroy Israel and Iran’s efforts to liberate the occupied Palestinian territories will bear fruit in the near future and the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates will remain safe from Zionist threats,” Shaykh al-Qattan predicted.


ISIS executes seven female militants for disobeying orders

The terrorist group of ISIS has executed seven female militants of the al-Khansaa Battalion in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, activists reported on Thursday.

The ISIS-linked al-Khansaa Battalion is known for recruiting women to fight alongside other militants of the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria.

“The group executed on Wednesday evening seven women from al-Khansaa Battalion for disobeying orders,” local media activist Abdullah Malla said. “They were executed by gun shots.”

“Their bodies were placed at the entrance of the battalion’s headquarters in the Jamia street in central Mosul to terrify other militants by showing an example of those who disobey orders,” the source said.

This comes amid growing rifts in the ranks of the ISIS. Local militants protested the increasing power of foreign members of the group. Libyan, Jordanian and Saudi militants have been promoted to commanding positions in the ranks of ISIS, which led to disputes that have turned violent in the last few weeks. Additionally, the unequal distribution of money has become another reason for disputes among the militants.

Two weeks ago, a Libyan ISIS commander, known as Abu Huzaifa al-Libi, was killed when rifts hit the group’s ranks and turned violent in Syria’s Raqqa. One day later, an internal clash hit the ranks of the extremist group over money, and claimed lives of 17 militants in Baaj region west of Iraqi Mosul.

Saeed Mamouzini, the media official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul, said that ISIS is witnessing a state of fragmentation and divisions.


Ayatollah Sistani offers condolences to family of Ayatollah Khazali

Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani has issued a message of condolences on the recent death of the renowned Iranian revolutionary and scholar, Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Khazali-Boroujerdi.

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani has issued a message of condolences on the passing of Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Khazali-Boroujerdi, who passed away on September 16 at the age of 90.

The text of the letter is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

To the family of the late Ayatollah Khazali:

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you,

The news of the passing of the wise scholar, Ayatollah Haj Shaykh Abol-Qasem Khazali, has brought great pain and sorrow.

I knew His Eminence from a young age and was aware of his holiness, piety, sincerity and other praiseworthy virtues.

I hereby offer my deepest condolences to his loved ones and to all the devotees of the deceased on this great loss. I pray to God Almighty that He grant him the highest rank and grant all his survivors much patience, beauty and rewards.

There is no might nor power except in God.

Sayyid Ali al-Sistani
September 16, 2015

Ayatollah Khazali was the secretary general of the Ghadir International Foundation, a member of the Assembly of Experts, a former member of the Guardian Council, and a prominent teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom.


Zionists’ crimes make their lives short

Tehran Interim Prayers Leader Kazem Seddiqi said Iran is on the path of swift progress and it will never surrender to the arrogant powers.

Addressing worshippers in his second sermon on Friday, Hojjatoleslam Sediqi said those who claim that the Islamic Revolution has come to an end are mistaken because the young generation has stepped into the path of progress and prosperity.

The Iranian nation will never get tired of fighting the killer and deceptive US, Hojjatoleslam Seddiqi said.

He further noted that the Supreme Leader Aytaollah Khamenei has always declared the Revolution as being dynamic and it is an ethical, religious and cultural revolution.

The cleric also held the Saudi authorities accountable for the recent deadly incident in Mecca, saying that now and then, a strange event happens during Hajj season which saddens the Islamic Ummah.

Condemning the Zionists’ storm into Al-Aqsa Mosque, Seddiqi said that the criminals’ atrocities know no boundary and they are even committed to law.

The United Nations shows no reaction and supports the killers in practice, he said.

The Zionists’ crimes will make their lives short; even shorter than 25 years, as predicted by Ayatollah Khamenei, he said.


ISIS executes 50 citizens from Mosul daily

The member of the security and defense committee in the Parliament, MP Nayef al-Shammari, announced on Thursday, that ISIS executes 50 citizens from the people of Mosul daily.

Al-Shammari said “We hope that the operation to liberate Nineveh will be fast,” stating that “the province bleeds every day; an average of 50 people are executed by ISIS daily.”

Al-Shammari added: “the people of Nineveh are demanding the liberation of their province and will receive the security forces with flowers,” explaining that “after the liberation of Mosul, the people, who had joined ISIS, will receive the punishment.”
