Tunisia warns of attacks during vote

The Tunisian prime minister has warned of possible terrorist attacks during the North African country’s parliamentary elections, as the government tightens security ahead of Sunday’s vote.

“We know that this [elections] will be a target (for militants) because it is unique in the region. It brings hope,” Mehdi Jomaa said on Saturday.

The Tunisian premier said the success of the country’s landmark elections may be a threat to those who oppose the country’s transition to democracy.

“They know that the success of (the elections) is a threat to them, not only in Tunisia but throughout the region,” he added.

Meanwhile, Tunisia’s Defense Minister Ghazi Jeribi has called on Tunisians to cast their ballots and “not to be afraid of the threat of terrorists who aim to stop this election.”

The country’s security forces are on high alert ahead of the key elections, in which approximately 5.2 million voters are eligible to cast their ballots.

On Friday, Tunisian police killed six Takfiri terrorists who had taken a number of people hostage in a suburban house near the capital, Tunis.

The militants, five of them women, were reportedly planning an attack to mar the country’s parliamentary elections.

More than 13,000 candidates started their official electoral campaigns around three weeks ago for the 217 seats in the country’s National Assembly.

The Islamist Ennahda Movement and the secular Nidaa Tounes Party are expected to win the majority of votes in the upcoming elections.

Authorities have warned that militants would launch a spate of attacks in an attempt to destabilize the country.