US: Airstrikes in Syria to take ‘years’

The Pentagon announced that the US and several of its Arab allies in the region started to launch airstrikes on ISIL and al-Qaeda-linked terrorists inside Syria on Monday.

The military strategy announced by US President Barack Obama in Syria involves airstrikes, training, advising and equipping so-called “moderate” militants to battle the other insurgents.

That strategy won’t happen quickly, USA Today on Wednesday quoted US Army Lieutenant General William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying .

“I would think of it in terms of years,” Mayville said.

“You are seeing the beginning of a sustained campaign, and strikes like this in the future can be expected,” he added.

Analysts say the Obama administration is exploiting the crisis in Syria that it created in order to stay involved militarily in the region. They are also asking how is that the armed to the teeth US military which has teamed up with the militaries of its allies says the fight against a group comprised of several thousand terrorists should take years?

ISIL terrorists, some of whom have been trained by the US in Jordan and Turkey to destabilize the Syrian government, control parts of northern and eastern Syria bordering Iraq.

The terror group sent back its militants into Iraq in June, quickly seizing vast expanse of land straddling the border between the two countries.