US drone hits Kunar, four Afghans die

At least four people have been killed in a fresh US drone strike in Afghanistan’s northeastern province of Kunar.

Local sources said that the attack was carried out in Ghaziabad district and the victims were Taliban militants.

The Taliban have not yet confirmed any casualties and made no comments on the drone strike.

The deadly attack comes amid an intensified campaign of airstrikes by US-led foreign forces mainly in eastern Afghanistan.

At least eight people died in an airstrike by US-led forces in the eastern province of Laghman on September 17.

On September 14, an airstrike by a US killer drone claimed the lives of at least two people in Kunar.

Although the US drone attacks have been a source of tension between Washington and Kabul, the US has recently expanded the strikes across the war-torn country.

Washington claims the targets of the drone attacks are militants, but local officials and witnesses maintain that civilians have been the main victims of such raids over the past few years.

The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to plague the country, despite the presence of thousands of US-led troops.