US ‘enforcer for Israel foreign policy’

The recent airstrikes carried out by the US and its allies against the ISIL terrorist group in Syria is a “very, very thin smoke screen that will allow the US government to actually commence bombing against Syrian forces,” said Mike Harris, a financial editor at Veterans Today.

“If you look at ISIL as a creation of the CIA, Mossad and other intelligence services, then it takes on a different complexion,” Harris told Press TV on Wednesday.

“This is a thinly disguised effort to go and bomb the Syrian government, Syrian military, and try to topple the Assad regime which has been on Israel’s target for a long time,” he added.

“Most people who are in the know realize that the US is nothing but the enforcer for Israel foreign policy, there is no US foreign policy, there’s only Israeli foreign policy now.”

On Monday, the US and several of its Arab allies in the region said they started to launch airstrikes on ISIL and al-Qaeda-linked terrorists inside Syria. According to US Central Command, the US-led coalition hit five targets in Iraq and Syria early Wednesday as part of the continued air war.

ISIL terrorists, some of whom have been trained by the US in Jordan and Turkey to destabilize the Syrian government, control parts of northern and eastern Syria bordering Iraq.

The terror group sent back its militants into Iraq in June, quickly seizing vast expanse of land straddling the border between the two countries.