Yemen’s Houthi Shias to continue protest despite government calls

Houthi Shiites call for mass demonstrations following the Yemeni government’s call on the Shia fighters to retreat from the capital Sana’a.

On Tuesday, Houthi leader Abd al-Malik al-Houthi called on supporters to take to streets in an effort to put an end to the Yemeni “government corruption.”

He urged Houthis to continue with the second phase of protests, noting the movement will be successful in toppling the government.

Meanwhile, Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi called on the fighters to “complete their exit from Amran province” just north of the capital.

The Houthis reject a proposed government of technocrats and want the decision to cut fuel subsidies to be reversed in the Arab world’s poorest country.

On August 20, thousands of Houthis strengthened their positions in Sana’a in their efforts to press the Yemeni government to resign.

Yemen’s Shia Houthi movement draws its name from the tribe of its founding leader Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi.

The Houthi movement played a key role in the popular revolution that forced former dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down.

Saleh, who ruled Yemen for 33 years, stepped down in February 2012 under a US-backed power transfer deal in return for immunity, after a year of mass street demonstrations demanding his ouster.
