Part 5- Last Prayer of Imam Hussein (AS) with Allah

Part 5- Last Prayer of Imam Hussein (AS) with Allah

in the final moments, Imam (as) turned towards God.  He prayed sadly with supplication and complained about his disaters and catasrophes. He said:

“i tolerate whatever you decide for me! There is no Lord but you! O’ my helper! There is no God but thou . i wait for you decision and command. You help those who don’t have any aid. There is no end for you! You make the deads alive! Please judge between us as you are the best judge.

This is a kind of belief which was rooted in his essence. It is one of his briliant characteristics…he joined God ..he waited for his disasters…this deep belief made imam to forget his mistakes…

Dr. Sheikh Ahmad Vaeli said in an ode:

يا اباالطف و ازدهي بالضحايا
من اديم الطفوف روض خيل

نخبة من صحابة و شقيق
و رضيع مطوق و شبول

والشباب الفينان جف ففاضت
طلعة حلوة و وجه جميل

و توغلت تستبين الضحايا
و زواکي الدماء منها تسيل

و مشت في شفاهک الغر نجوي
نم عنها التحميد والتهليل

لک عتبي يا ربِّ ان کان يرضيک
فهذا الي رضاک قليل

O’ the owner of Ashura day! While a green and beautiful land is grown in Karbala

Some of his companians, young and old ones

Im talking about your handsome young son

You went to see the bloody martyrs

You were praising Allah in that time

O’ Allah! We just want your satisfaction…