Part 6- Imam Hussein’s martyrdom

Part 6- Imam Hussein’s martyrdom

 Imam Hussein’s martyrdom

O’ my God! A group of criminals who were so brutal attacked Imam with their swords and spears. “Zarat ibn  Sharik Tamimi” hit imam’s lest hand and hist shoulder. “Sanan ibn Anas” hit him with sword and he was proud of his action and said to Hojaj: i hit him with spear and cut his body with sword. Although Hojaj was so cruel , he said : you, two, won’t be with eachother in one place. God’s enemies surrounded Imam while their swords were full of his blood.some historians said: there is no other human like Hussein who were hit severly.because there about a hundred and twenty wounds on his body.

Imam was on the ground but nobody dares to help. “Seyed Heidar” said:

فما اجلت الحرب عن مثله
صريعاً يجبّن شجعانها

There were no war like this in which he was on the ground.

He was so awesome that some of those enemies said: his beauty didn’t let us to attack him.

The great tragedy:

imam stayed there with a bloody body and a lot of wounds. imam shouted: are you here for killing me? I swear to Allah that you won’t kill anybody after me; I hope that God will honor me with your speculation, take my revenge on you.

The guilty person, “Sanan ibn Anas” didn’t let anybody to approach Imam. He wanted to kill Imam by himself to receive the prize from Marjaneh’s son.

Amr ibn Sa’ad said to Shebth ibn Rabaee: take his head for me!

Shebth complained and said: I took allegiance to him I never do this….

Ibn Sa’ad got angry and threaten him and said:I will report it to Ibn Ziyad.

-you van report him.

Shemr shouted: shame on you! What are you waiting for? Kill him…come on…

“Khuli ibn Yazi” went toward Imam to martyr him, but he hesitated, he was scared, then Sanan ibn Anas shouted: I ask God to break your hand- we will explain more about what the historians told about him- he attacked Imam like a dog and cut his head while he had a pleasant smile on his face.

Imam sacrificed himself for Qoran, it shows his dignity and humanity which was in the great level. His soul was so valuable, because he was so oppressed and was killed. His head was cut while he tolerated his family death and he was thirsty. His head was cut in front of his family. So which price of living is more valuable than his living? He sacrificed himself….

Imam exchanged his life with a reward from his God, it showed his great devotion and sacrifice, Allah says:

Allah purchased the believers’ life and property instead of paradise. They fight in God’s way in order to kill the religion’s family or maybe they will be killed. This is a definite promise of God which is mentioned in three divine books: Quran, Bible, and Gospel. Who is more faithful to the promises than God? O ye who believe! This deal is good news if you are in agreement with the truth of God‘s greatness.

in fact, imam achieved a great honor in his deal that nobody could achieve it. because in the family of the true and divine martyrs there is nobody who achieved martyrdom like him. the world would remember him and his shrine is the brightest and the most sacred shrine on the ground and in the world. the Honorable Imam raised the islamic flag in the world. While it is a symbol of his blood and the blood of martyrs and his household, and shines in the creates gracious horizons for the world’s nations and the nations of the earth.

Imam (as) was martyred in order to promote the right and truth in the world and save it from the Ummayad. those who denied the human right turned the country into the field to do whatever they want for themselves.


1. Majma al- Zavaed 9/194

2. Al Hadaegh Al vardiat 1/123

3. Moghram, Maghtal Al Hussein .p. 282

4. Al Dor al Nazm Fi Managheb Al Aemat p.551

5. Kharazmi , Maghtal 36/2

6. Toba /110