Ron Paul calls for secession in US

Former US congressman from Texas Ron Paul has called for more secessionist movements in the United States following Scotland’s unsuccessful attempt at independence from the United Kingdom.

In an article on his website, Paul argues that all supporters of freedom should cheer secessionism because it allows for smaller government.

“Even though it ultimately failed at the ballot box, the recent campaign for Scottish independence should cheer supporters of the numerous secession movements springing up around the globe,” he wrote.

The former presidential candidate added that support for secession was also growing in America.

He also referred to a recent poll, in which one in four Americans said they would support their state seceding from the federal government.

The results of a Reuters/Ipsos poll released earlier this month showed that 24 percent of Americans strongly support or tend to support the idea of their state separating from the union.

“Movements and organizations advocating that state governments secede from the federal government, that local governments secede from state governments, or that local governments secede from both the federal and state governments, are springing up around the country,” Paul said.

The ex-congressman explained that devolving government into smaller units promotes economic growth.

“The smaller the size of government, the less power it has to hobble free enterprise with taxes and regulations,” he said.