
Is Islam Against Fun, Recreation and Joking?

smiling-kidsIn order to answer this question, we first need to analyze what Islam’s viewpoint is on the purpose of the creation of mankind and the usage of natural blessings such as the mountains, jungles and legitimate recreation and joy and the like. The main source of Islamic law and teachings, the holy Quran says: “I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me (so that as a result, they perfect and draw nearer towards Me).”

According to this, the least concentration on the purpose of creation allows us to draw the conclusion that the main purpose is servitude (which is the perfection of man) and other reasons such as knowledge and being put to the test are all actually ways of getting us to the main goal of servitude which results in Allah’s great grace and mercy towards us.

Islam also has some statements regarding joking; for instance it has been reported that Imam Sadiq (as) said: “All believers have “do’abeh”. It was asked “What is do’abeh?” His Excellency replied: “Joking.” There are many hadiths in our hadith books that say that joking is mustahabb.

Yunus Shaybani narrates from Imam Sadiq (as) that his Excellency asked about how I joke with others. I answered that I joke very little. His Excellency said in a scolding manner: “Why don’t you kid with others? Don’t you know that kidding with others is part of one’s good character and behavior?” In this hadith, his Excellency goes on to say that even the Prophet (pbuh) used to kid with others, trying to make them happy.

The many examples of our prophet (pbuh) kidding with others and his decent acts for making others happy all show that although his Excellency was of good behavior and a joyful and kidding personality, yet he would never cross the borders of truth in speech and his jokes were never false, bad, unacceptable or nonsense. As he himself says: “I might kid around but I only say the truth.” This statement both shows us that kidding was part of the tradition of Rasulullah (pbuh) and it also lets us know of the boundaries of this tradition.

Imam Ali (as) tells his son: “The believer is one who has these three times in his/her day: one part of the day needs to be spent in spiritual matters and calling Allah (swt) and supplication, one part of the day goes for earning a living and having an income and other worldly affairs and a third part must be spent in recreation and halal pleasures and fun.” What is interesting is that in another similar hadith, there is another phrase in the end of the hadith that says that this third part of the day is a help to the other programs one has during the day. What is important is that recreation and the like must be religiously legitimate, or else other problems will come up. There are many illegitimate forms of recreation that cause spiritual and physical problems, resulting in the individual not being able to work for a while, and this is exactly the opposite of what the hadith calls as one of the main reasons for having fun (in order to get energy for other important plans one has for the day such as working and studying).

Recreation in Islam is a very important issue to the extent that it has been reported that competitions were held in the presence of the holy Prophet (pbuh) and that he even was supervisor and referee to some of them. Imam Khomeini has also considered travelling a form of legitimate recreation in his risalah and his sayings: “There is no problem in travelling for fun and recreation, the only thing is that it needs to be legitimate.” He goes on to say: “I don’t mean to say that we aren’t supposed to have any recreation and that we always have to be busy (with work), what I mean is that the youth need to organize and plan their time.” He also says regarding listening to the radio and watching television: “Television is the most sensitive instrument of propagation, thus it must observe morality and be educational and at the service of Islam and not that it mustn’t be used at all.”

Not only doesn’t Islam object to swimming in the sea, but it encourages us to teach our children how to swim, shoot and horse-ride. Of course, one must be careful not to mix these sound activities with illegitimate acts, and that is why Imam Khomeini was against those who would go to the beach and cause illegitimate and haram acts to take place.

In short, there is no monasticism and extremism in Islam, as it has been reported that the Prophet prohibited monasticism in Islam. Taking into consideration the clues that were mentioned from the Quran and traditions, one can easily conclude that Islam is a religion that has guidelines for all of the different aspects of life, even materialistic ones and how to consume and make use of the various blessings that Allah (swt) has bestowed upon us and how to joke and have fun.

What is the philosophy behind the importance of night Prayer in Islam?


One of the most recommended worships and Ibadah is night prayer.

There are 11 Rak’ats for night prayer, five prayers which each have two Rak’ats and a single prayer which has one Rak’a.

There are so many benefits for the night prayer which appear in this world and the worlds after death, that we will mention some of them.

There are some recommended and Mostahab prayers that are called Nafilah which literally means, something that is additional and is not obligatory, among them and one of the most important one of them is night prayer. As it is clear from the name of this prayer, it is a prayer which its time is from the religious midnight till the time of morning Azan(call to prayer), and as much as it is performed nearer to the time of morning Azan, it causes more rewards and blessings.

There are some recommended Doa and rituals for this prayer, but just like the base of this prayer that is not obligatory, they are not obligatory too, and we can perform as much as we are jolly and ready and eager to perform, for example we can just perform last three Rak’ats of it or we can perform it in the state of sitting, because the recommended prayers (even though we are able to perform it at the state of standing) can be performed while siting or even while walking. And if we cannot perform it in its time, we are allowed to perform it out of its time and as Qaza prayer (out of its specific time) and all of these, show the importance of this prayer.

Waking up in the midnight or the time near to the morning Azan for worshiping Allah, is very praised by Islam. Allah said in the holy Quran chapter Isra verse 79:

وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَى أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا

“As for the night there is a voluntary deed for you to keep vigil in part it. Perhaps your lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station”.

Imam Sadiq peace be upon him said:

“The one, who does not perform night prayer, is not among our (real and perfect) Shia and followers.”

There is an interesting Narration in which Imam Sadiq peace be upon him narrated for his father, and his father from his father till the holy Prophet of Islam, that he said:

“Allah prides of a servant who performs the night prayer as Qaza (it means that the servant could not perform night prayer in midnight, so he/she performs it during day instead of night) and Allah says: O’ my angels, my servant performs something that I did not make it obligatory upon him/her as Qaza(as compensation), be witness, I forgave him/her.”

Let me mention some of the benefits of night prayer which are derived from the holy Quran and the Narrations.

1) Fulfilling our Doa and wishes.

One of the companions of Imam Sadiq peace be upon him said: I asked the Imam: people say that the holy Prophet of Islam has said: there is a time in the night, that if a servant, asks Allah in that time, definitely his/her Doa and wish will be fulfilled, the Imam said: yes (it is true). I asked the Imam: when is that time? And the Imam replied: between the midnight till the last third of the night. I asked the Imam, is it something that is in a specific night or every night? And the Imam answered: it is for every night.

2) Friendship with Allah.

The holy Prophet of Islam said: “Allah did not adopt Prophet Abraham as His friend, except because of feeding people and performing night prayer while the people were asleep.”

3) Glory.

Imam Ali peace be upon him said: “Allah has put five things in five things (it means that these five things can be obtained through those five things), among them, the Imam said: and majesty and grandeur (can be obtained) in performing night prayer.”

4) It makes the face, good and loveable.

5) It makes the temper, good.

6) It removes the sorrow.

7) It compensates the sins which are committed during day.

8) It is a cause for making the heart, awake and alive.

And as the last point and as a summery to all of above mentioned benefits, let me bring a saying from Ayatullah Qazi, one of the most important Islamic scholars in the field of practical morality, he said to one of his students:

“O’ my son, if you seek the material and worldly matters, perform night prayer and if you seek the spiritual and hereafter positions, perform night prayer.”

What is the Viewpoints of Islam and Christianity Regarding Allah?

russia-christianity-islam-kurban-313.si_The distinguishing feature of Islam is its insistence on absolute monotheism and the forbidding of anything, at all, to be associated with God. This includes the refusal of the idea that Jesus (peace be upon him), the Messenger of God, was God. Allah says in the Qur’an:

Surely they have disbelieved who say that Allah is the Messiah [Jesus], the son of Mary. But the Messiah said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Truly, whoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and Fire will be his abode. And for the wrongdoers there are no helpers. Surely, they have disbelieved who say, “Allah is the third of three,” for there is no God but Allah Who is one. And if they do not cease what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them…. The Messiah, the son of Mary, was nothing other than a messenger; many were the messengers who passed before him. His mother was a woman of truth…. (5:72-75)

Muslims believe that neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament had mentioned in any way that Jesus was the son of God. According to a contemporary American scholar, Barbara Brown:

The doctrine of divinity states that Jesus is the Son of God, the Word of God made flesh. Even though Jesus himself never claimed to be divine, Paul gave him this attribute for one reason – to gain converts among the Gentiles.

The Gentiles were pagans who were used to worshipping gods that had wonderful legends and myths behind them. Several of the pagan deities of the time such as Mithras, Adonis, Attis, and Osiris were all the offspring of a supreme ruling god, and each had died a violent death at a young age, coming back to life a short time later in order to save their people.

Paul took this into account, giving the pagans something similar in Christianity. He attributed divinity to Jesus, saying he was the Son of God, the Supreme, and that he too had died for their sins. In doing so, Paul compromised the teaching of Jesus with pagan beliefs in order to make Christianity more acceptable to the Gentiles.

The term “son of God” was not something new. However, it had been used in the Old Testament to refer to David (Saul 2:7) and his son Solomon (I Chronicles 22:100) and to refer to Adam (Luke 3:38) in the New Testament. In his famous Sermon on the Mount, detailed in Matthew 5, Jesus tells his listeners, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

In all cases, the term “son of God” was not meant to be applied literally but to signify love and affection from God to the righteous. “Son of God” means a special closeness to God, not to be of God. After all, people are sons of God, and Allah is the creator of all life.2

Christians who lived during the time of Jesus (peace be upon him) believed that he was the divine messenger to them, bringing them the words of God and guiding them. However, after the ascension of Jesus to heaven, Saint Paul, who was deeply influenced by Roman paganism, wanted his preaching of Christianity to be more appealing to the Gentiles, so he compromised the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) by adopting certain pagan ideas and interpolating them into Christianity. Thus, the idea of the trinity spread even though it was not part of the original teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him).

The Top Recommended Food in Islam (1)


According to a reliable tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), one should give due respect to the bread, for it is the result of the hard work of many angels in heaven and men on the earth.

It is stated from Imam Ja’far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) that bread should not be kept under the bowl of curry.

Another tradition states that the Imam (a.s.) asked people to respect bread. The people questioned Imam (a.s.) as to how they should show their respect for bread. The Imam (a.s.) replied that one way is when the bread is kept before them, they should start eating it without waiting for anything.

According to a tradition from Imam Reza (a.s.), the bread should be baked in small loaves so that it may be sufficient for all groups.


Is Vegetarianism Allowed in Islam (2)?

VegetarianismA major argument put forth by vegetarians is that an animal has to be slaughtered and this fear within the animal will adulterate it’s flesh and lower the charge in the energy of the meat, thereby causing harm to whosoever eats the meat (as documented earlier). However,  the Islamic method of slaughtering creates honor and reverence in the slaughter, and this act carries no traumatic frequencies that could unbalance the electrical matrix of the meat.

Surprisingly, Heistand and Coleman (1999) quote an experiment in which the frequency of energy contained within the carrot had a bigger change when pulled from the ground than a cattle beast’s energy change when slaughtered. This means that the carrot actually screamed louder than the cow.
The criticism of the slaughter of animals by the opponents of Islam is unreasonable. Animals have been created by the creator to provide food for the human beings. There is life in everything man or animal eats or drinks. Therefore, saving or sparing life is not possible. This is the law of nature. The very existence of life depends upon the proper consuming of life. Life in the lower stages of creation has been purposely created to be sacrificed to serve the survival of the species in the higher realm.

Similarly, man has been created to sacrifice his self, which is dearest to him, to reach the higher realms of divinity or spiritual bliss. It is true that purposeless slaughter of animals is a waste of Allah’s bounty when it is carried out in contravention to the laws of the author of nature. Even for those who hold animals sacred, the surest way to show their concern is to slaughter them at the proper time, because one day they will be eliminated by death. Therefore, if an animal is to die anyway, it is better to use it for sustenance of human life, rather than letting it go waste. The merciful creator, therefore, has allowed slaughter of animals for the sustenance of human life.

In the days of ignorance, man sacrificed man to please his man-made gods. Islam stopped this practice. Instead, to keep alive the spirit of the intended sacrifice of Ismail by Ibrahim, to show his obedience to his Lord, sacrifice of animals has been prescribed. On the other hand, Islam prohibits purposeless killing of animals. As long as a haji is in ihram, he cannot kill even a mosquito. Hunting is not only forbidden during the hajj but also as a sport in ordinary life. Imam Ali, on his deathbed, asked his children to take care of the birds he had domesticated, or else to set them free. Once, a disciple of Imam Ja’far al- Sadiq killed some pigeons in exasperation. The Imam asked him to give one dinar in charity for every pigeon he had killed as expiation.

Once, the companions of Imam al-Hasan tried to make a dog run when the unclean animal came near them while they were having meals with the Imam. The Imam prevented them, began to eat one morsel himself, and gave another to the dog. He said:

I should feel ashamed if a creature of Allah looks at my food and I turn it away.

Allamah Taba Tabai (AR) writes:

Clearly, the system of creation, which has overall control on all the creatures, has ordained that man should get nourishment from meats, etc. Then it has guided the previous parts of existence towards it. It is the system, which has created in human beings the ability to get sustenance from both animals and vegetables. He has, in the front of his alimentary system, the teeth some of which are made to cut, the others to break, some to tear and others to grind. They are called canines, molars, premolars and incisors. Man is not like goat or cow, which cannot cut or tear apart, nor is he like the beasts of prey, which cannot grind or incise.

The faculty of taste with which his mouth is equipped finds the taste of meats pleasant. Then other organs of his digestive system likewise find the meats delicious and long for it. All this is a part of creative guidance, which proves that the Creator has given him permission to use and eat various meats. How can we separate this creative guidance from lawfulness of the work, which this guidance leads.

Islam is a natural religion. Its only aim is to revive the tracks of nature, which the human ignorance has obliterated. It is bound to declare lawful what the creation guides to and the nature decrees. Islamic Legislation revives this natural commandment. And in the same way, it restores other arrangements, which the Creator has ingrained in our nature. We have already mentioned that it confirms the decree of reason that one should abstain from such meats, which are harmful physically or spiritually. And, it strengthens the inner feelings by prohibiting what the normal human nature dislikes or feels aversion. These two principles ultimately are based on the Divine management of the creation. Islam has given credence to them. It has prohibited that which harms the growth of the body and has forbidden that which is injurious to the well-being of human society. For example, that which has been slaughtered in the name of other than Allah or that which has been obtained through gambling and dividing with arrows and so on, and it has prohibited those repulsive things which the nature abhors.

There is no doubt that mercy is a fine gift of Allah, which has been ingrained in the human nature and in many animals as well, as we have sometimes observed. However, the Creator has not given it the status that it should enjoy absolute power over all affairs, or should command unqualified obedience. The creation itself has not given the mercy free rein; otherwise, there would not have been in this world any trace of grief, disease, suffering and various types of tortures and oppressions.

Moreover, human mercy in itself is not like justice, inasmuch as it is not an absolute noble characteristic, which admits no restriction. Had it been so, then it would not have been proper to punish an oppressor for his oppression or to penalize a criminal for his crime; nor would we have been allowed to confront a transgression with similar action. If mercy means this, then the earth and all that is on it would perish. However, Islam has not neglected the demands of mercy altogether, because it is among the creation’s gifts. It has ordered us to deal with the animals with mercy. It has forbidden us to torture the animal at the time of slaughter. It does not allow dissecting the limbs of the slaughtered animal before it has died, nor is it allowed to skin it while it is alive.

Is Vegetarianism Allowed in Islam (1)?

iStock_000017490436XSmallO, you who believe! Fulfill the obligations. The cattle quadrupeds are allowed to you, except that which is recited to you, not violating the prohibition against game when you are entering upon the performance of the pilgrimage. Surely, Allah orders what He desires. (al-Qur’an – Chapter 5, Verse 1)

In Qur’an Allah clearly states that He created the cattle for human benefit and consumption:

What! Do they not see that We have created the cattle for them, of what our hands have wrought, and of them, they are the masters? And, We subjected unto the cattle, and some of them they ride upon, and some of them they eat. And for them, in them are benefits and drinks. What! Will they not be grateful? (al-Qur’an – Chapter 36, Verses 71-73)

The Infallible (AS) have said: Of all the foods in the heaven and the earth, which can be taken with bread, meat is the best. Eating meat increases the growth of flesh and increases energy significantly.

In the Bible: For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. (Romans, 14:2)

Muhammad ibn Abdillah narrates from one of his companions that he said – I said to Abu Abdillah (AS) – May I be made your ransom! Why did Allah forbid the dead animal, blood and flesh of swine?

He said: Verily when Allah, the Blessed, the High, prohibited these to His servants and made the other things lawful to them, it was not because Allah liked these prohibited things for Himself; Blessed and High is He, nor did He dislike other things and so, allowed His servants to use it.

The fact is that He created the creatures and knew what would sustain their bodies and keep them in good health. Therefore, he made it lawful for them as a favor from Himself for their own well-being. Moreover, He knew what would be harmful to them, so He forbade it to them and made it unlawful. Yet He allowed it for those facing emergencies, and made it lawful to him when his body could not be sustained otherwise. Therefore, He ordered him partake from it to that amount which would avert the emergency, but not anymore.

Unless they choose a proper balance of foods, strict vegetarians are at risk for several deficiencies, especially vitamin B12. The other nutrients at risk are riboflavin, calcium, iron, and the essential amino acids lysine and methionine. Vegetarian children not exposed to sunlight are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Zinc deficiency can occur in vegans because the phytic acid in whole grains binds zinc, and there is little zinc in fruits and vegetables. Since B12 is present only in animal foods and a limited number of specially fortified foods, vegans should probably take B12 supplements prescribed by a physician. Further, the symptoms of vegetarianism may include protein deficiency, amino acid and mineral depletion coupled with chronic low levels of energy. Islam’s inclination to ingesting meat is an important dietary advice to Muslims and a prescription to healthy life. Animal products have been researched to have powerful vibratory frequencies, healthy and nutritious. We should know that in Islam:

  Animals have been created mostly for the benefit of humankind; men are the masters of them.

  God has created cattle for men, in which there is a sign of God.

  Cattle have been made for man to ride on and to serve as food and for various other advantages.

  Man can make use of the flesh, skin, feathers, and bones of animals.

  Qur’an approves dogs to be used for hunting.

  It points out that man, through the application of his skill and intelligence, has been able to make multiple uses of the skin and hair of animals for his comforts and conveniences.

Five steps to choose a spouse in Islam

Five-steps-to-choose-a-spouse-in-IslamThere is no certain way of proposal or choosing a spouse in Islam. Each of the male and the female can propose to another, but normally in many societies the male is the one who does the proposal. However, it the case of ‘aqd the female (or her lawyer) starts reading the first part of sigha which should be followed by reading the second part by the groom (or his lawyer).

Some Criteria

Although, people are free about how to choose their spouse, but there are some criteria mentioned in hadiths which suggest a way for finding a proper person to marry with. These criteria are as follows:

  1. being religious, not only in words, but also in practice. Especially it is forbidden to marry someone who drinks alcohol or commits adultery.
  2. being good-tempered. There is a narration about someone who asked Imam Ali b. Musa al-Rida (a): “someone proposed to my daughter but he is bad-tempered. Should I agree with their marriage?” Imam (a) replied: “If he is so, do not agree”.
  3. family honor.
  4. kufwiyya (similarity) It’s been said that the more the couples are similar in their characteristics, the stronger their marriage bond will be.
  5. drug addiction has been also considered as a factor which makes a person not being a good choice as a spouse.

There are also some other factors relating to one’s taste or status, but they fall into the second category of importance, such as beauty, similarity in race, financial status and so on.

Why is alcohol forbidden in Islam?


Everyone knows, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, that drinking alcohol is considered a sin in Islam. Consuming alcohol is listed as one of the major sins; one of greater sins for which eternal punishment is promised. There are traditions by Imam Musa Kazim (a), Imam Rida (a), and Imam Muhammad Taqi (a) proving this.

Before presenting the verses of the Quran on this topic, it must be said that this law was legislated gradually. Allah didn’t reveal to the Prophet (s) in an instant and say: From this moment forward nobody can drink alcohol. Rather, he revealed this law in stages.

First the Quran states: “O you who have faith! Do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated.” (4:43).

Unfortunately some of the quote un quote Islamic leaders during the baby stages of Islam, after the demise of the Prophet (s), didn’t listen to this verse. Anyhow, the Quran then states: “They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say, There is a great sin in both of them, and some profits for the people, but their sinfulness outweighs their profit.” (2:219)

Finally, the Quran lays down the law and says: “O’ you who have faith! Indeed wine, gambling, idols and the divining arrows are abominations of Satan’s doing, so avoid them, so that you may be felicitous. Indeed Satan seeks to cast enmity and hatred among you through wine and gambling, and to hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you, then, relinquish?” (5:90-91).

This verse clearly prohibits the consumption of alcohol. In it there are ten forms of emphasis: First, the verse addresses the believers. This means that faith and drinking alcohol are incongruent. A person who drinks alcohol is not a believer and a believer does not drink alcohol. Second, Alcohol is mentioned next to clear instances of prohibitions, such as gambling and idol-worship. Third, the term abomination is used to describe alcohol. Fourth, drinking alcohol is introduced as a satanic activity. Fifth, the phrase ‘so avoid them’ is clearly stating to refrain from drinking alcohol. Sixth, the phrase ‘so that you may be felicitous’ shows that one will be successful if he refrains from drinking alcohol. Seventh, Satan wants to create enmity amongst mankind through alcohol. The tools of Satan must surely be prohibited. Eighth, the phrase ‘to hinder you from the remembrance of Allah,’ is another emphasis of our claim. Whatever causes one to forget about Allah is impermissible. Ninth, Alcohol keeps one from praying. And tenth, the phrase ‘will you, then, relinquish’ is also a form of emphasis.

It is narrated that Imam Baqir (a) said: “Disobedience to the order of Allah is mostly due to alcoholism. The alcoholic abandons prayer. He can even commit incest under the influence of alcohol; he loses his senses.”

Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: “Certainly even if a person swallows only a mouthful of wine, at that very moment, the angels, the Prophets, and the righteous believers send their curses upon him. And, when he drinks enough to make him intoxicated, the spirit of belief leaves his body, it is replaced by the dirty, accursed, devilish spirit.”

The Quran stated that the sin of drinking alcohol far outweighs any benefit that can be taken there from. Let’s take a glance at what alcohol abuse does to the body. First, alcohol damages the brain. Different parts of the brain are more sensitive to alcohol than others. Alcohol abuse manifests itself both physically and psychologically. Physically it is manifested through loss of balance, impotence, numbness of the feet and hands, tremor, and even blindness. Psychological manifestations include a loss of intellectual ability, impaired ability to learn, and mental confusion.

The liver is severely damaged as well. Alcohol abuse leads to cirrhosis which in turn leads to liver failure, liver cancer, and even death. It also causes one’s stomach to endure chronic inflammation which leads to pneumonia, kidney and urinary tract infections, and kidney failure.

Alcoholism also affects the heart because it leads to high blood pressure making one at risk of heart failure or stroke. It also causes sexual problems in men. Therefore, alcohol harms one’s brain, heart, liver, kidney, and reproductive organs. Google the physical effects of alcohol and you will be amazed at how harmful this drug is.

Islam is also against the consumption of alcohol. It is actually against more than just the consumption, it is against every single part of the alcohol trade. There is one tradition where the Prophet (s) curses ten people. Each one of these people have something to do with the alcohol trade. The list of these people are: 1. The person who plants the seed with the intention of producing wine. 2. One who cultivates the plant so that wine may be manufactured. 3. One who crushes the grapes. 4. One who drinks wine. 5. One who serves wine. 6. One who transports wine. 7. One who takes delivery from the supplier. 8. One who sells wine. 9. One who buys wine, and 10. One who uses the income that is earned by making or selling wine.

Therefore, a Muslim cannot have anything to do with alcohol; he can’t drink it, can’t sell it, can’t buy it for someone else, can’t make it, can’t deliver it, can’t transport it, and can’t use any proceeds produced from it.

In addition to the consumption of alcohol being haram, it is also considered a najis substance. There are some differences of opinion regarding this issue, so I thought it best to explain.

Around 100 families of Hisar village in India embrace Islam

707dad21df4059ef1f1dfa3d8876dcdcSeeking refuge in Islam, around 100 Dalit families from the Bhagana village of Hisar district in the north Indian state of Haryana reverted to Islam at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Saturday, according to Hindustan Times daily.

Families from Hisar’s Bhagana village, who have been protesting at Jantar Mantar for the past two years over alleged atrocities and rapes by the upper-caste Jats, claimed to have converted to Islam at Jantar Mantar on Saturday.

“We don’t feel like being part of Hinduism at all. The upper caste people (Jats) in our village have always treated us as if we are not human beings. So what is the point to stay in such a religion?” Bhagana Kand Sangharesh Samiti president Virendrar Bagoriya said.

Bagoriya confirmed that Maulvi Abdul Hanif from nearby Qutab Minar mosque performed the conversion formalities.

“We read kalima and offered namaz,” Bagoriya said.

Leaders from the famous Dalit families have complained of continuous discrimination.

For more than three-and-a-half-years the group has cried out at the local authorities, begging for allocation of promised plots pursuant to a state government scheme, and also against the atrocities they allegedly suffered at the hands of upper castes.

Deaf hears have also been turned to them when they asked for 100-yard plots each from Panchayat land outside the village, the village Panchayat has been refusing to do so.

“For years now, we are continuously getting harassed at the hand of “dabangs” in our village. They are depriving us from our land and raping our girls.

The testimony of reversion (Shahadah) was done under the supervision of Maulavis from New Delhi under the monitoring of Dr. Abdul Razzaq, an office-bearer of a New Delhi-based Muslim organization.

“After consulting all families, we had organized this program. Dr. Razzaq had also visited Bhagana to know the mindset of villagers. Hence we fixed August 8 as the day for the conversion ceremony,” said Bagoria.

Indian Actress Reverts to Islam

IndianActress-Reverts-to-IslamCAIRO – Famous young Indian actress Monica has decided to leave the life of lights behind her back, choosing to revert to Islam, don Islamic headscarf and quit the film industry.

“I don’t convert for the reason of love or money, am not such a person. I like Islam principles so that I converted as an Islam,” she was quoted by Muslim Mirror on Saturday, May 31.

“Hereafter I won’t act in the film, it gives some pain but I don’t change my mind,” the young actress added.

According to Indian media, Monica’s decision was announced during a news conference on Friday in which she released photos showing her wearing traditional modest costume and a hijab.

Changing her name to MG Rahima, she did not reveal reasons behind her decision to join the world’s fastest growing religion.

The Azhagi actress started her career as a child artiste in Tamil cinema and has acted in more than 50 films. She is also the popular face in other South Indian film industries like Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.

Monica, who had won Tamil Nadu State Award as a best child actor for her performance in Vijaykanth starrer En Aasai Machan, is known for few of the Tamil movies like Azhagi, Imsai Arasan 23m Pulakesi and Silandhi.

In 2001, Monica had changed her name a Paravana for Malayalam film industry. The actress was last seen in Tamil film Jannal Oram, which was released in 2013, November.

Monica is not the first Indian celebrity to revert to Islam this year.

Earlier in February, reports said that both musicians AR Rahman and Yuvan Shankar Raja have taken the same decision to revert to Islam.

There are some 180 million Muslims in Hindu-majority India.