UK GDP boosted by drugs, prostitution

New figures published by Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) show spending on illegal drugs and prostitution boosts the UK’s economy by an estimated 11 billion pounds.

According to an ONS report published on Tuesday, “illegal activities” such as narcotic drugs and prostitution had caused a partial rise in British household spending in the year 2012.

The report shows that illegal narcotics added 6.7 billion pounds per year to British household expenditure between 1997 and 2013. It also reveals that a further estimated 4.3 billion pounds per year goes towards prostitution.

A separate report published in May showed that between 1997 and 2009, the UK’s economy received a 10-billion pound boost from illegal drugs and prostitution, an amount almost six billion pounds more than that spent on constructing houses during the same period.

The May figures followed the publishing of European Drug Report 2014, which showed that after the analysis of the sewage systems of 42 cities for trace amount of drugs, London had the highest use of cocaine.