What are the destructive effects of not controlling the lust?

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The painful cries from everywhere!

We know that youth is a period of “crisis” of instincts, specially “sexual instinct”. If this instinct is not guided properly, it would have the worst stroke on the felicity and happiness of the youths. Their creative powers will be spoiled like unopened buds, and their ingenuity and innovation which could be the source of numerous honours for them or the society, will be certainly wasted.

There are so many victims involved in the ill-consequences of improper leadership till the end of their life!

We have received numerous letters from the victims, revealing a part of this dreadful mystery. The letters include untold mysteries, dreadful and awful events, the writers of which have sought and cried for help and assistance.

In fact, we too were not so aware about the expansion and significance of this danger, but receiving these information, we have to do our best to awake the youths and warn them of the main points of the danger. We request the Almighty God to help us and them in this regard.

First, let us quote the exact text of some of these letters for you:

First letter

Since you had written in your articles that the youths can explain to you their problems in different issues, I decided to write this letter. … The problem from which I am suffering and is driving me to destruction is related to sexual affairs and the tendencies which I will explain to you.

I am 23 years old. After the onset of puberty, I was afflicted with “a sort of sexual perversion” due to improper training, lack of attention and unawareness, and “unfortunately” I continued it for seven years!

Now, I am suffering from this internecine blight, and although I have tried hard to stop it, it is of no use. In addition to studying its harms in the books, I find them in myself too. Weak eyes, nervous system weakness, anaemia, trembling, thinness and faint have humbled me!

I was having sufficient talents and was undergoing education, while now I cannot understand the subjects properly, but still continue my education with difficulties….
When I take up the pen, I am not able to write. So, I put it aside, and later when my hand finds power. I start writing again!

There is a weak faith in me which, along with my conscience, blames me.
I sit in a corner and weep as much as I can so that my eyes become red. In brief, I am distressed and miserable, and I do not have any redresser and reliever!!…

You may be interested to know why I do not quit it while observing its harms?

I shall reply that now I believe it is (nearly) impossible to quit. When I become hot with desire, I lose my willpower, when I recover myself, I can only cry!

Sometimes I beseech God and have recourse to Imams (a.s.), but the more I implore, the less useful it is. Once I tell myself that God and the pure Imams do not pay any heed to dirty people like me?! We are the miserable who cannot relieve our hearts even with our near relatives. To whom shall we resort?

I cannot tolerate anymore, and I am sick of the world. Have pity on me and suggest a way to relieve and deliver me. If you know a medical prescription, let me know it, and be sure (as you are) that there is no need for my appreciation. The society shall appreciate you, and God may reward you.

Another letter

I admire you for the sacred warfare you started for guiding the youths… It is clear for me that your idea, against that of many contributors of magazines, aims at felicity of youths.

I am 17 years old and a student of the fourth grade in the high school. I was an excellent student all through the primary school period. However, after maturity I fell into a trap.
Of course, it is not limited to me. A number of those of my age have fallen into this trap. At first grade of high school, I was afflicted with “a sort of perversion”. During the last four years, I have lost a large part of my mental power. I repented tens of times, but my frailty is worsened.

Now, I feel that a major part of my body, that is, my heart and nerves are not working well, and the worst point is that I have lost my willpower, always have inferiority complex, speak too little, cannot exercise and not even go to family gatherings!

I know well that I will not have a good end, but I am too weak willed to quit this dangerous activity.
What is the reason?

The reason is that there are many photos of nude women in the hands of my friends. Our only hobby is watching deviant and sexy films, and pornography books are available at the lowest price.
Please guide me. Tell me how can I get rid of this fatal pain?!

Third letter

…Are you aware of the situation of youths and our problems?…

Do you know that a number of youths commit a serious offence and are perverted?
I was recently walking at Thoraya street in Yazd. Once, I saw a young man about 25 years, having a dull body and blind in the eyes walking with the help of his younger brother.

I went to his brother with whom I was familiar, and asked, “Who is he?”
He replied, “It is my brother.” I was astounded.

I said, “What has happened to him?” He replied, “He had no problem till he was 20, but due to a perverse addiction for some years he has become blind… Regretfully, he still doesn’t quit the malefaction…”

I request you to describe the harms of this malady and the method of its treatment for the youths. What we should do for avoiding such evils?…

These were some letters we received from different cities, and we have mostly quoted their exact words above (omitting the name of writers and phrases that are uncivil to mention here).

These letters and such like are “live and expressive images” from the situation of our youths and their future. Of course, it is remarkable that there are many pure youths who are not tainted with any moral aberration, but at the same time there are many victims also.

If we ignore them and continue to be silent spectators, the pure too will be threatened, the tainted will die, or will become feeble, pitiful, defeated, poor and even criminal like the other victims. However, we hope to save the most tainted through the method which we will explain (if they want and resolve), and the pure ones may look at these issues more carefully to find the way of prevention of any sort of perversion.

Hearing the moans of these victims makes our heart tremble, and the bite of their pens, seeking help beseechingly, stings and wounds the spirit of any human.

Unfortunately, the “sexual problem of youths” is in a very dangerous and critical stage as a result of reading some publications, watching porn movies, distribution of lurid photos, as well as abuse of freedom. It calls for an unremitting endeavour and struggle for saving the youths. Otherwise, an evil and fatal future will be here soon.

However, we believe studying the situation of these victims (as the examples mentioned here above) and others seen by you, could be an expressive teacher for so many hints to all.

Anyhow, significance of subject necessitates to mention what shall be said in this regard, warn all about the cliffs in the course of life of youths, and describe the way of salvation for “the entrapped”.
We invite all of you to study these series of discussions precisely, and assure you that if you leave your heart to us and follow exactly what we provide for you, you will be saved from all risks.



can you bring some samples of whimsical marriages?

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Marriage with football!

Recently, there was an interesting and at the same time regrettable news in the dailies. A woman had filed a case against her husband. She complained that her husband loved football, and he attended all soccer matches. If unable to get a ticket he shall definitely watch it on TV or listen to the radio. When watching football on TV, he forgets everything; even his dinner, sleep, wife and child.

All the time he likes to talk about football, and nothing else: “He should have married football, instead me! I am tired of my life.”

However, this lady who is the mother of one, does not know that her husband has married her for football! As she confesses, when she had gone to watch a soccer match, she saw him cheering the same team as her. Later they got to know each other more and then finally married. It seems that their spiritual common point was just cheering the same team!

Do you know what was the reply of her husband against this complaint?
He said: “I am thus. You can stay and tolerate it, or take divorce and leave me!”

Another sample of whimsical marriages is that which begins from magazines and dailies.
For instance, one may read in a daily: I am a 29-year-old lady. I am …cm tall, …cm at the waist, … dollars of monthly income, interested in music, dancing, sport, picnic? I am willing to marry a black man with … cm tall, handsome, ….

This advertisement may attract his attention and since he finds himself and the lady eligible, he contacts her through the magazine, and they marry.

Soon they would begin to think why they contented just with physical specifications, and neglected the humanistic attributes which are the main guarantees for fidelity and continuation of marriage.

Some marriages are a mixture of “impulsion” and “trade”, and naturally include the problems and faults of both kinds. There is also a sort of political marriage, but we would be better to leave it unexplained.

Our great leaders have stressed on the spiritual, mental and moral privileges of the spouses, and thereby called family training, nobility, spirit of dedication, kindness, sincerity, chastity, virtue, and faith, as the most important factors.

Once our holy Prophet told his companions: “Avoid the beautiful plants growing in the contaminated and foul lands!”

The companions asked: “What do you mean by these plants?”

He answered: “I mean those beautiful women trained in impure environments and tainted families (and lacking moral privileges and merits).”



what are the consequences of the Whimsical marriages?


Whim is one of the most important and at the same time most dangerous bases of marriage.

Whim should not be confused with legitimate sexual pleasure as the instinctive motive of marriage.

There is no doubt that most youths seek “sexual pleasure” in marriage, and based on the nature that has created such a powerful instinct in them, they are authorized to look for it.

However whim is something else. It refers to a series of wishful fancies and wrong and unwise calculations mixed with irregular fluctuations or abnormal and animal enjoyments.
Whim is based on the transient, unstable and even childish or foolish values.

The whimsical marriages often end up in divorce, because the guarantee for its survival is sometimes as unstable as a bubble!

There are many symptoms for impulsive marriages:
Whimsical magazines are full of this sort of marriages. Their pattern is sometimes cinema and films and sometimes marriages and divorces of singers and actors, while we know that cinema scenes and characters are nothing except unreal and made up and reality is something else.

But the capricious individuals take all of them seriously and base their life on these mirages and bubbles, and cause sufferings, discomforts and teasing others as atonement for these transient caprices.



Who is a corrupter rather than a reformer?

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Imam al-Jawad (a.s) said:
مَنْ عَمِلَ عَلى غَيْرِ عِلْم أَفْسَدَ أَكْثَرَ مِمّا يُصْلِحُ

One who acts without knowledge and information will more often be a corrupter rather than a reformer.1

Brief Description
Loss caused by ignorance is not merely limited to inability to make significant achievements in life. Those who act without knowledge also risk making dangerous mistakes leading to corruption and destruction.
One finds cases where an ignorant person intends to do good for his child, but he leads him to misfortune; intends to serve Islam, but disgraces religion; intends to create peace among people, but aggravates disputes and hypocrisy. He generally ends up doing more harm than good.[divider]
•    1. Montahal-aamal

Keep it fragrant

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
أَفْوَاهُكُمْ مِنْ طرُقِ رَبِّكُمْ فَأَحَبُّها إلى اللّه أَطْيَبُها رِيْحاً فَطَيَّبُوها بِما قَدَرْتُم عَلَيْهِ

Your mouth is one of your ways to God. The most favorite mouth before Allah is the one most fragrant. So keep your mouth as fragrant as you can.1

Brief Description
The outward meaning is that since man uses his mouth to vocalize God’s remembrance and worship and recite divine verses, he should keep it clean and fragrant.
The hadith’s inward meaning signifies that the mouth which is one of the ways of relating with the divine paths and Allah’s servants is more favored by Allah when it becomes fragrant with good, clean and kind speech and is free from bad utterances, insults, lies and harshness.[divider]
•    1. Wasa’il ‘ush-Shi’a, volume 1, page 358

Who is the true ascetic in its real sense?

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said:
اَلزَّاهِدُ فِى الدُّنْيا مَنْ لَمْ يَغْلِبِ الْحَرامُ صَبْرَهُ وَ لَمْ يَشْغَلِ الْحَلالُ شُكْرَهُ

The real ascetic in the world is one whose endurance is not defeated by the temptations of unlawful wealth and who is not distracted from god’s remembrance and duty of thanksgiving when he acquires lawful wealth.1

Brief Description
Some uninformed people have given a negative twist to the definition of asceticism. They have interpreted asceticism as giving up divine graces and economic pursuits and living like the poor.
This is not the case. Asceticism in its real sense is what is narrated above from Imam ‘Ali (a.s.). And it could be summarized in two phrases: “enduring hardship rather than resorting to illegal means of acquiring things” and “not forgetting responsibilities and gratitude in respect of lawful things”. With this correct interpretation, asceticism becomes a force for self-improvement and reforms in the society rather than a negative influence on progress and prosperity.[divider]
•    1. Tuhaful Uqul

How many groups are worshippers divided into?

Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
اَلْعُبّادُ ثَلثَةٌ: قَوْمٌ عَبَدُوا اللّهَ خَوْفاً فَتِلْكَ عِبادَةُ الْعَبِيد، و قَوْمٌ عَبَدُوا اللّه طَلَبَ الثَّوابِ فَتِلْكَ عِبادَةُ الأُجراءِ، وَ قَوْمٌ عَبَدُوا اللّهَ حُبًّا لَهُ فَتِلْكَ عِبادَةُ الأَحْرارِ.

Worshippers fall into three groups:
Those who worship Allah for the fear of hell; this is the worship of slaves.
Those who worship Allah for his reward; this is the worship of mercenaries.
Those who worship Allah out of love and affection for Him; this is the worship of free men.1

Brief Description
Although the promises of divine reward and punishment are all true, and his reward is very valuable and his chastisement is very painful, there are some high minded free men who do not see anything save God, and do not seek anything save God, and the measure of their heart is full of love and kindness. They are looking beyond rewards and punishment; their motive for observing God’s command is only love mingled with his cognition and knowing.[divider]
•    1. Wasa’il ‘ush-Shi’a

Fair judges

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said:
خَيْرُ النّاسِ قُضاةُ الْحَقِّ

The best people are those who judge fairly.1

Brief Description
Fair judgment in legal, social and moral matters is only possible for one who gives equal treatment to his own and others’ interests and his personal affection and hatred do not prevent him from justice and righteousness.
This is possible only for those whose existence is radiated with the light of belief, human virtues and love and affection for humanity. The powerful waves of selfishness, profit motivation and lust cannot overcome their mind and conscience. Such people deserve to be called “the best people.”[divider]
•    1. Islam is the Center of Society

What is the rank of those who refrain from sins?

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said:
مَا المجاهِدُ الشَّهِيْدُ فِى سَبِيْلِ اللّهِ بِأَعْظَمَ أَجْراً مِمَّنْ قَدَرَ فَعَفَّ

One who struggles in the way of God and is martyred is not higher in rank than the one who can commit a sin but refrains.1

Brief Description
In the eyes of Islam, the most worthy striving is that against one’s own unlawful desires. Moreso, when one lives in an environment where opportunities to commit sins are plenty and indulgence is commonplace. This requires a strong grounding in morality and control over one’s self and is also necessary for the struggle against enemy to be worthy and fruitful – a battle fought with sincerity, solidarity, pure intention, free from any selfishness and personal interest.
Thus the Imam’ is saying that those who succeed in the battlefield of desires, resist sins and remain chaste in contaminated environments, are not in a lower rank than the martyrs in the way of god.[divider]
•    1. Nahjul Balaghah

Forgiveness, gift of empowerment

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
“إذا قَدَرْتَ عَلى عَدُوِّكَ فَاجْعَلِ الْعَفْوَ شُكْراً لِلقُدْرَةِ عَلَيْهِ”

When you overcome your enemy, adopt forgiveness and pardon as the gratitude for this victory.1

Brief Description
In Islam’s view, any favor and grace, without any exception, should be reciprocated by gratitude. For the gift of empowerment over the enemy, one expresses gratitude by forgiving the enemy. Victories become rooted only when enemy’s heart is purged of the spite and the root cause of the opposition is removed. Pardon will touch their hearts in a way that yesterday’s enemy becomes today’s friend. It is then that the victory is truly complete – outwardly and inwardly. Conversely, those who seek vengeance after victory not only deprive themselves from a great human virtue, but also endanger their victory.[divider]
•    1. Nahjul Fasahah