Love or Mercantile marriages?


We were talking about marriage, the most difficult and tortuous stage in the life of youth, following by a discussion about love and its pitfalls. Now we continue the previous important subject.

It should not surprise you that there are several types of marriages: Mercantile marriages, impulsive marriages and paper marriages, etc.

Each of these has particular features based on which it could be easily and exactly recognized.

Symptoms of mercantile marriages are heavy marriage portions, rich dowry, water, property, house, real estate, other huge sums of money received as bride price (while from the Islamic point of view, bride price is basically senseless), or other things. Usually, two types of wealth and capital are exchanged in mercantile marriages.

1- Visible wealth

2- Invisible wealth

Visible wealth refers to the precise calculation of wealth of man or woman, and the near relatives like father, mother, brother, and in brief all of those from whom the bride and groom inherit!

In mercantile marriages, the wealth of these people are studied and calculated, and of course, after this transaction, the bride and groom wait for the properties of others like parents and brothers, and actually await their death.

On the other hand, invisible wealth refers to the social capabilities and various positions of the near and distant relatives of both parties which could be used as a means of progress in the society!

The value of invisible wealth is sometimes much more than the visible, but in this type of transaction, the bride and groom shall always pray for their relatives so that they can enjoy their support and recommendation when required.

It goes without saying that in this sort of marriage, humanistic attributes of both parties, their knowledge, and other things are not taken into account. Rather, all discussions are based on the assets and visible and invisible capital of both parties (particularly woman).

In mercantile marriages, the woman’s personality falls to the level of a usual merchandise, and is transacted just like a commodity. Unfortunately, this sort of marriage is very common in our society, and many parents and some youths believe in it.

The other big problem with such marriages is that the reason for their survival is the same as that of their occurrence, and when the man or woman finds himself or herself needless of the other, or takes possession of the desired wealth, the situation is immediately changed. Many cases are seen where men suck the spouse like a juicy fruit, and throw away the residue.

Sacred affinity and love that guarantees survival of matrimony is never meaningful to them, and both parties look upon each other as an expensive car or a luxurious apartment!

Such women have expectations proportionate to their wealth, position, and facilities of their relatives, and dowry. This is a great blight for survival of matrimony.

High frequency of such marriage has caused many youths to introduce themselves falsely as owners of expensive cars, houses, flats, etc. When, after marriage, it is revealed that he doesn’t even own a star in the seven heavens, challenges and arguments begin.

This issue has been particularly taken into account in our religious teachings, and Moslems are strictly forbidden such marriages.

Our great leaders have denounced those marrying for wealth and property of the other party, and have called a heavy marriage portion as an ominous sign of marriage. They were satisfied with marriage of their daughters with materially poor but spiritually rich individuals and by setting little marriage portions they set an example for all of us.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.) says:
“One who marries a woman only for her beauty, he does not achieve his purpose, and one who marries a woman only for her wealth, God leaves him alone. Try to marry faithful and pure women.” (Wasa’il ash-Shi’a, 3:6)

can love lead to revenge?


One of the other great dangers of love is inflammation of severe and dangerous sense of revenge for desperation of attainment of the beloved.

There are many cases in the contemporary and past history in which lovers have committed slaughters, and the slain was none except the ex-beloved.

Turbulent love makes one worship the beloved as far as there is even a thin hope of obtaining the sweetheart. When he feels despair, and considering that it is not possible to extinguish this great power immediately, it is transformed to a severe stroke power (like a ball striking an obstacle and rebounding).

As he saw everything little and tolerable with the hope of attainment of his sweetheart, he does not fear anything in taking revenge from her in despair. Mostly, he does not rest without reacting. When he does not feel such power in himself, he may react through suicide. Thereby, he seeks revenge on either his beloved or himself.

These are some of the pitfalls of fiery, impulsive and indecisive love affairs.

What is the relation between love and fancy and dream?


“Love and fancy”

Many cases of running away from home, divorce and suicide are caused by inconformity of the lovely fancies with the future real life. Any youth is subject to the danger of being involved in an unholy and indecisive fiery love, and may lose some of his distant and near relatives unknowingly because of it. Therefore, all youths and parents should be warned against this danger to prevent it when it is possible. Contrary to other seedlings, “love” grows and yields very soon. As we already mentioned, sometimes for those susceptible to it, a seed is changed to a strong tree only in an instant and just with a glance. The particular quality of this spiritual event necessitates more investigation and watching carefully its dangers. Hereunder, we will study additional pitfalls of love. Love and dream! Nothing is as dreamy as love. Relationship between the two has been recognized from times immemorial. Those involved in this trap are always living in a dreamy world, where everything differs from what exists in this world. Its criteria differ with those of ordinary world, and its events and appearances shall be seen, not heard. However, the terms applied for normal life are not capable of describing the lovers’ life. So many dreams of the “poets” and striking delicacies of their poems are indebted to the fancies of their real or unreal loves. On the other hand, when they attain the beloved and see no trace of those sweet dreams, they understand that everything is at the real level or a little higher. They find remarkable realities, but nothing comparable with their dreams! Then, they are overcome by fear. A sorrowful coolness replaces the ardent fire of past love and squeezes their heart. They find themselves bankrupt in this transaction. Sometimes they think that they are deceived or mysterious spirits are fighting them directly or with the help of competitors and the envious. At this time, they display drastic reactions, the severity of which is proportionate to the distance of that dream with this reality: running away from home, divorce, suicide or other acute reactions.

When silence and speech cause misfortune?

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Imam Ali (a.s.) said:
“لاَ خَيْرَ فِى الصَّمْتِ عَنِ الْحُكْمِ كَما أنَّهُ لا خَيْرَ فِى القَوْلِ بالْجَهْلِ”

Neither the silence of a wise man nor the speech of an ignorant has any profit.1

Brief Description
God has urged those who are informed and learned not to remain silent against deviations, misbehavior, injustices and divisive actions of enemies. They should radiate the light of guidance, truth and justice on the hearts through their warm and reasonable logic and expression. Everybody is considered informed and responsible for what he knows, although it may be little. On the other hand, those who do not have sufficient information should not mislead people through their improper interference. That silence and this speech both cause misfortune.[divider]
•    1. Nahjul Balaghah

Take counsel. Don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Imam Ali (a.s.) said:
“إِتَّعِظُوا بِمَنْ كانَ قَبْلَكُمْ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَتَّعِظَ بِكُمْ مِنْ بَعْدَكُمْ”

Take counsel from your predecessors before the posterity takes counsel from your life and destiny.1

Brief Description
History is full of lessons, full of examples and advice. The consequences of injustice, oppression, stagnation and neglect of the needs of changing environment and times are all reflected in the mirror of history. Imam ‘Ali, with his extensive knowledge of human history, warns us to take counsel and learn lessons from the actions and mistakes and fate of our predecessors rather than repeat the same mistakes and leave a trail of misfortunes for the posterity to learn from.[divider]
•    1. Nahjul Balaghah, sermon 31

What are the signs of a hypocrite?

Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
Luqman said to his son:
“لِمُنافِقِ ثَلاثُ عَلامات: يُخَالِفُ لِسانُهُ قَلْبَهُ وَ قَلْبُهُ فِعْلَهُ وَ عَلانِيَتُهُ سَرِيْرَتَهُ”

There are three signs of the hypocrites: their tongue is not consistent with their heart, nor their heart with their deed, nor their outward with their inward.1

Brief Description
Hypocrisy is a painful, loathsome trait originating from low personality and weak will. To make themselves look better than they are, their tongues will tell a different story from what is in their hearts, they will not walk their talk, will not practice what they preach. They are a weak people, afraid to reveal their true selves, lacking the will and determination to improve themselves. They appear in different garbs and are treacherous with everybody, even themselves. Even more dangerous are the societies that display a good looking exterior but have bad, rotting, interior. Their tongue and the mass media, is in stark contrast with what is going on in the heart of these societies.[divider]
•    1. Bihar al-Anwar book, volume 15

What should I do to be among the people of paradise?


Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“إنَّ لاهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ اَرْبَعَ عَلامات: وَجْهٌ مُنْبَسِطٌ وَ لِسانٌ فَصِيْحٌ وَ قَلْبٌ رَحِيْمٌ وَ يَدٌ مُعْطِيَةٌ”

The people of paradise have four signs: open face, eloquent and clear tongue, a merciful heart and bountiful hand.1

Brief Description
The noblest human schools are those which train individuals to acquire good character and become valuable members of the society because society is the source of all blessings.
The signs which the above tradition attributes to the people of paradise are all concerned with factors that strengthen social relations and sow seeds of affection in the land of society.
Open and pleasant faces, soft and kind, with clear and eloquent tongues, with hearts yearning to help people, and hands not holding back assistance – Yes! These are the signs of the people of paradise.[divider]
•    1. Irshad al-Qulub

The key of evils is wine. Lying is even worse

Imam Hasan Al-’Askari (a.s.) said:
“إنَّ اللّهَ جَعَلَ لِلشَّرِ أَقْفَالاً وَ جَعَلَ مَفاتِيحِ تِلْكَ الأَقْفالِ اَلشَّرابَ، وَ الْكِذْبُ شَرٌّ مِنَ الشَّرابِ”

God has placed evils and maladies under locks, the key of which is wine, and lying is even worse than wine. 1

Brief Description
The greatest and most effective tool against evils and maladies is wisdom and intellect, and this is a strong lock set on them. When the lock of “wisdom” is opened by the key of “wine”, all evils and obscenities are let loose and a drunk person is vulnerable to committing all sorts of crime, sin and corruption.
While a drunkard commits a sin under the influence of the mind numbing drink, a liar pollutes the social environment knowingly. When lying permeates a society, it kills the spirit of trust and reliance leading to sins and corruption. Hence lying is even more dangerous than wine.[divider]
•    1. Wasa’il ‘ush-Shi’a, second volume, page 223

Fulfilling requirements of the poor is an important social principle

Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“لوْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ أَدَّوْا حُقُوقَ أَمْوَالِهِمْ لَكانُوا عايِشِينَ بِخَيْر”

If people honor the rights of each other and fulfill requirements of the poor, they will enjoy a good and satisfactory life.1

Brief Description
The above tradition emphasizes the wisdom of the Islamic obligations placed on the rich to pay to the poor out of their property and savings and the obligation on everyone to respect and honor the rights of others. It clarifies that this is not merely a matter of morality or religious compliance. Rather it is an extremely important social principle with a strong bearing on the peace and prosperity of society.
One only has to look at the turmoil in the world today to appreciate the value of this gem from the treasures of Islamic knowledge. Dangerous reactions of the poor masses caused by class exploitation and unfair concentration of wealth in the hands of a few are tearing at the fabric of societies today. Peace and love are in short supply, violence and misery abound.[divider]
•    1. Wasa’il ‘ush-Shi’a, volume 6, page 2

A person in debt has no relief

The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
“إيّاكُمْ وَ الْدَّيْنَ فَإنَّهُ هَمٌّ بِاللَيْلِ، وَ ذُلٌ بِالنَّهارِ”

Avoid borrowing as far as you can, because it causes grief during the night and contempt during the day.1

Brief Description
The lure of the material life and competition to acquire luxuries in the present times has caused people to borrow more and more. Many are trapped in the vicious circle of higher debts and increasing repayments leading to more borrowings to finance repayments.
Since a person in debt is not a free man, we are instructed not to undertake debt other than for a dire necessity. Debt is even more dangerous at the country level. Highly indebted countries expose their citizens and future generations to severe economic hardships and to erosion of their freedom and spiritual independence.[divider]
•    1. Bihar al-Anwar, volume 103, page 141